Term Life Insurance Factors


term life insurance factors

Term Life Insurance rates are all over the place. Low rates, high rates, it all depends on different term life insurance factors:

Age – Let’s face it. It’s not easy getting old. The younger you are, the longer you’re going to live AND the less expensive life insurance is.
Health History – Do you have a history of disease or chronic illness?
Current Health – Are you in good current health? Are you taking medications?
Physical Condition – Are you heavy or lean? Do you excercise?
Smoker – Smokers can still get life insurance policies but the cost is significantly higher.
Drinking –Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours
prior to the exam (can increase fat in blood and liver functions). Drink a glass of water one hour prior to the exam.
(For Additional Life Insurance Exam Tips checkout our: Tips by clicking here.)
Occupation – Are you a professional stuntman?Are you a race car driver?
Hobbies – Do you skydive or bungee jump? Are you a member of Fight-Club?
Family History – Are your parents and sibling still alive? Is there a history of family illness or disease?
Gender – Life isn’t always fair. Women live longer than men AND pay less for life insurance.
So, there we have it folks, our Term Life Insurance Factors.
It’s good to be young, healthy, work in an office, and play board games with your great grandparents!