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Combined licensed and registration renewals to top 1.35 million through end of 2014
BOSTON– Monday, September 29, 2014 — Today, MassDOT Registrar of Motor Vehicles Celia J. Blue encouraged customers to make MassRMV.com their first stop this fall as the agency braces to close out the year with more than 1.35 million driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations up for renewal.
“MassRMV.com is designed to help our customers save time and to allow our branch employees to focus on more complex transactions,” said Registrar Blue. “By making MassRMV.com their first stop, customers will find they are able to renew in a matter of minutes or discover they need in-person attention at one of our branches.”
Customers leaving business to the last minute may face long branch waits. Drivers may renew their license 12 months in advance of their expiration date; the RMV will handle 243,589 license renewals from October through December.
A postcard reminder mailed from the RMV lets customers know if they are eligible to renew online or if they must visit a branch for a new picture which is required every 10-years. To ensure customers are aware of their license expiration date, it is critical they update their mailing address with the RMV. An address change can be done online for free anytime at MassRMV.com.
All vanity plate registrations expire in November and commercial vehicle registrations are up for renewal in December. Many commercial renewals require the registrant to visit a branch in person, making the last days of each year some of the busiest for RMV branches. There are 1,114,758 vehicle registrations scheduled for renewal through December.
The RMV’s AAA partner locations in Boston, Framingham, Saugus, South Dennis, West Springfield, and Worcester are able to perform license and registrations for AAA members, most of these locations offer Saturday morning hours. In the months ahead, an additional six AAA’s will begin offering expanded RMV transactions.
Later this year, the RMV Division will introduce a self-service license and ID renewal kiosk called FasTrack at select branch locations. Customers without any outstanding issues like parking tickets, fine or citations, will be able to visit the FasTrack and update their photo and renew on the spot.
In 2009, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) was created to unify the state’s various transportation agencies. MassDOT now includes the Highway Division, the MBTA and Rail Transit Division, the Aeronautics Division, and the Registry of Motor Vehicles. MassDOT is committed to providing a safe and reliable transportation system to all those who travel in the Commonwealth and works to deliver excellent customer service. MassDOT has been nationally recognized for its innovative approach to transportation, including the Accelerated Bridge Program, the “Where’s My Bus and Train?” apps and “Fast 14” work. For more information, visit MassDOT at our website: www.mass.gov/massdot blog: http://blog.mass.gov/transportation/ , or follow MassDOT on twitter at https://twitter.com/MassDOT and Facebook at www.facebook.com/massdotinfo .