Hey, Massachusetts: Are We Having Fun Yet?

Massachusetts Insurance

Our Massachusetts Insurance Agency is inundated with homeowner and auto insurance claims. Ice dams are flowing, pipes bursting, cars are hidden behind snow banks and icy roads are making driving slippery.

Our Agency phone keeps ringing and we keep reporting claims to our clients’ different insurance companies.

The only ones with weary smiles on their faces are the contractors, glass companies and plow guys.

The rest of us are left to ask: Are we having fun yet?

The answer, here at MassQuotes, is a resounding: Yes! We are having “fun.” This is why people have insurance. This is why we are here. This is what we do.

We have insurance to protect us from catastrophic events. We sell insurance to protect people from unforeseen disasters. We are here to take claims, advise and help through times of distress.

How are you doing with all this Massachusetts weather?

The time to review your insurance is before you have a problem.

Call or click us at MassQuotes. We love this stuff.

Massachusetts Term Life Insurance Policy

MA Term Life Insurance

Do you have a term life insurance policy in effect?

If so, now may be the time to re-apply.

People are living longer. Term life insurance rates are getting lower and lower.

If you can get in a more preferred category, extend your policy term, and pay less money, then it may be worth the effort (application & medical exam etc.) to re-apply.

Please call or click us to discuss.

MassQuotes: Your Massachusetts Insurance Solution

Massachusetts Auto Excise Tax

MA excise tax

To many tax paying consumers, Massachusetts is referred to as “Taxachusetts.” One of the reasons for this nickname is the Commonwealth’s annual excise tax bill.

Massachusetts Excise Tax bills are prepared by the Registry of Motor Vehicles according to information on the registration.

They are then sent to city/town assessors who commit them to local tax collectors for distribution.

The Massachusetts excise tax rate is $25 per $1,000 of NADA valuation subject to a percentage based on the your of manufacture:

90% in the model year (new); 60% second year; 40% third year; 25% fourth year; 10% fifth year & beyond.

If you sold and turned in your plates on the vehicle you areĀ getting an excise tax bill on, or if you have transferred plates and got rid of the vehicle, you may be eligible for abatement.

Abatement instructions are located on your excise tax bill.