As a MA consumer service, MassQuotes offers the following link to your Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Crash Operator Report:
Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Crash Operator Report
When Should You File a Report?
- You should file a report if you’re the operator of a vehicle involved in a crash where the damage to any one vehicle or property is over $1,000, or if there is an injury to any person, even if a police officer was on the scene. You should file the report within 5 days of the date of the crash.
When Should you NOT File a Report?
- You should not file a report if the crash occurred on a private road, driveway, private parking lot or other private way.
Why this Report is Important
Data from this report is used for many purposes including:
- Identifying locations with a large number of crashes.
- Improving dangerous highways and intersections.
- Developing highway safety public information programs.
- Developing programs to save lives and reduce highway injuries.
Where to send completed reports:
- Mail or deliver one copy to your local police department in the city or town where the crash occurred.
- Mail one copy to your Insurance Company.
- Mail one copy to the RMV at: Crash Records RMV; PO Box 55889; Boston, MA 02205-5889
Link to MA RMV Motor Vehicle Crash Operator Report: