Massachusetts Auto Insurance Reminders:

  • If you cancel your insurance policy, no refund will be issued until your Massachusetts insurance company receives a receipt showing that your license plates have been returned to the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
  • It is your responsibility to make sure that your safety inspection sticker and your registration plates are current. If you fail to renew on time, you may be fined and surcharged. You must pay your premium to avoid cancellation of your insurance. On the effective date, cancellations are electronically reported to the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
  • If you travel outside of Mass to another state or to Canada, it is a good idea to have your Mass insurance policy or proof of insurance with you. Your independent insurance agentor insurance company can provide these forms.
  • If any of your children who are household members obtain a driver’s license you must notify your insurance company within 60 days of that date. You must list all licensed household members and any other licensed person who will customarily operate your auto.
  • If you or someone on your behalf gives your insurance company false, deceptive, misleading or incomplete information concerning the description and place of garaging of the vehicles to be insured, the names of operators required to be listed and the answers given for all listed operators, your insurance company may refuse to pay your claims under any and all of the Optional Insurance Parts of your policy.
  • Request a Massachusetts auto insurance quote now.